RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

72 surface display on engineered E. coli of a bacterial adhesin with a high affinity for glucose to stably anchor synthetically-engineered cells within a dextran-based hydrogel to secrete the bacteriocin lysostaphin in order to kill Staphyloccocus aureus without raising antibiotic resistance. Valorization and societal impact The insights, materials and tools generated in our curiosity-driven research program contribute both directly and indirectly to innovative strategies to address societal challenges in areas such as health, sustainability and food in the following manner: 1. We closely collaborate with private partners in food, health and the chemical industry (participation in nine (inter)national public-private consortia) to address topical questions related to sustainability without a loss of quality and function, as well as technical questions related to e.g., the high-resolution characterization of and controlled assembly in multi- component soft materials. 2. We regularly offer topical and technical advice as consultants on particular questions and challenges raised by members of the Industrial Consortium of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems and other chemical and pharmaceutical companies. 3. We educate the next generation of researchers and engineers to excel in their future positions in industry and academia or as entrepreneurs. Most MSc and PhD graduates continue their careers in the private sector, e.g. at Clariant, DSM, ASML, Diversey, Alten, Ioniqa or Xenocs. Two alumni commenced academic careers as assistant professors in France and Turkey. Our research also offers ample opportunities for valorization, which we realize through the following means: 1. Direct knowledge transfer to industry. In the evaluation period, Prof. Voets coordinated four public-private research consortia and participated in five other (inter)national public- private consortia. PhD students in most of these (training) networks are hosted at least once by a private partner for a research stay of up to three months. Joint publications with industry have been published. Prof. Voets has lectured >20 times at various companies and has been awarded a Proof-of-Concept Grant of the European Research Council twice (2018, 2019) to enable the valorization of the key results of her ERC Starting Grant. Four (provisional) patents derived from research activities have been filed, which are presently being followed up within public-private consortia and may lead to the founding of a spin-off company in collaboration with colleagues in Electrical Engineering. 2. Knowledge transfer to other domains of science and technology. Our strong focus on interdisciplinary challenges, which can only be addressed successfully in collaborative effort by specialists from several disciplines and using (dedicated) state-of-the-art advanced (experimental) techniques, has catalyzed numerous (inter)national collaborations within chemistry and far beyond as well as within academia and across sectors, through which we transfer our unique expertise and skills to other domains of science and technology. 3. Valorization through people . The interdisciplinary nature of our foremost research program, the hands-on training in the latest experimental techniques and the international character of the group prepare our graduates for their careers in the private and public sectors. In addition to a solid disciplinary background, technical skills and expertise, the embedding also exposes our group members to a broad range of subjects, challenges, research environments, cultures, project management, mentoring and leadership styles.