RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry (MSMC) 71 examine, for the first time, the interfacial deformations induced by particles adsorbed at liquid-liquid interfaces around individual submicron particles. 13 Another key breakthrough in this area is the proof-of-concept demonstration of programming photonic devices using a locally deposited switchable polyelectrolyte multilayer coating. 18 2. Self-organization in natural soft materials The group elucidated critical mechanistic steps in the modulation of (ice) crystal growth via antifreeze proteins, which led to new opportunities for the rational design of improved bio-inspired mimics that outperform their native analogues in anti/de-icing technologies, construction and cryopreservation. Specifically, the group achieved the following major breakthroughs in the field of ice-binding proteins (commonly referred to as antifreeze proteins) and materials: (i) the discovery of ice-like waters at the surface of an ice-binding protein, 19 (ii) the absence of a correlation between different activities, 20 (iii) the relationship between architecture, association state and activity, 21-22 (iv) the structure elucidation of a 1.5MDa ice-binding bacterial adhesin at atomistic resolution 23 and (v) the first super- resolution microscopy experiments on ice-bound IBPs. Other major accomplishments in this subtheme include: (i) the first rationally designed peptidic competitors of bacterial adhesion {Guo, 2021 #22706} and (ii) the first super-resolution microscopy experiments on food matrices {Foroutanparsa, 2021 #22707}. Two patents derived from this research theme have been filed and two ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant applications aiming to valorize the key findings have been awarded. 3. Self-organization in biohybrid soft matter Several important contributions have been made by the group in this new area, derived from an original, physico-chemical viewpoint on the subject and expertise, know-how and tools developed for the above-mentioned research projects. Recent highlights include (i) the creation of self-contained enzyme-polymer liquids with remarkably high enzymatic activity and thermal stability {Atkins, 2019 #22400}, (ii) the liquefaction of covalent polymer-protein hybrids {Atkins, 2021 #22634} and (iii) the introduction of a platform for adhesin-mediated trapping of cells in hydrogels (PATCH) technology {Guo, 2020 #22708}. This is based on the