RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

64 Research facilities The PC group hosts a wide range of techniques and methodologies that also support other groups at TU/e, including static, dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, rheological equipment, interfacial methods (surface tensiometry), melt and solution polymerization, solid- state modification, inverse gas chromatography to measure surface energies, dynamic vapor sorption, size exclusion chromatography, liquid chromatography, UV-vis spectroscopy, DSC and DMTA, AFM, goniometry (contact angle), abrasion, adhesion, and impact testing equipment. The theoretical methods we use are (self-consistent) mean-field computational methods for phase behavior and structural thermodynamic interfacial and bulk properties, liquid- state theory, dissipative particle dynamics simulations, and molecular dynamics simulations. Together with CMEM, we apply and develop advanced (cryo, in-situ, electron, correlative, 3D) microscopy methods that we also make available to the widest possible user base at TU/e – across departments (CEC, BMT, AP, ME, BE) and institutes (ICMS, EIRES) – and among industrial partners. Prospects Development of the research field The Physical Chemistry group is a leading group globally in the areas of coating science & technology and colloidal interactions & the resulting phase stability, especially in regard to depletion interaction. Colloid-polymer mixtures are a central theme in our group and our knowledge and the infrastructure available makes us competitive. In the development of sustainable energy materials, knowledge on phase stability and coating technology will be essential. Also, in the field of synthetic biology, interactions and phase behavior in multicomponent systems (the living cell) will be required to take the next steps. The knowledge and expertise of the group will also be beneficial in making links between experimental/ synthetic activities and theoretical concepts/computer simulation work. These integrated, complimentary themes (functional inks and colloid networks, polymer recycling, the development of novel colloidal and polymeric materials and emulsions, and quantitative microscopy) enable us to gain new insights and technologies, provided that funding is maintained at the current level. Viability In the chemical industry, molecules, (macro)molecular structures and particles are made which are subsequently tailored towards certain applications in areas such as feed, food, pharma, electronics, automotive, biomedical, sports and leisure, and (sustainable) energy. The expertise of the PC group plays an essential role in understanding the relationship between molecules and/or particles and their functionality in the final product. Our knowledge therefore interfaces between molecular and macroscopic properties and, as a result, naturally matches with a wide range of other competences, particularly those related to materials science, materials chemistry, mesoscale modeling, formulation and process technology. A key expertise is our knowledge on phase behavior, which is essential to all chemical and chemical engineering activities. The group gains funding from a broad range of sources: fundamental funding from NWO and the EU, hybrid funds fromNWO/companies and fundingdirectly via companies. Thismix enables us to develop new fundamental knowledge as well as to apply knowledge for the benefit of society. The expertise in our group is very useful for more applied research groups in various departments at our university (Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biomedical Technology, Mechanical Engineering). Within the broad field of soft matter science, the Physical Chemistry group has expertise to make links between the macro-organic chemistry-focused