RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry (MSMC) 47 Viability After the move from Radboud University to Eindhoven University of Technology at the end of 2016, the group quickly picked up speed and reorganized its research according to the previously discussed research activities. The appointment of Dr. Abdelmohsen as tenure track assistant professor in 2017 has resulted in a stable supervisory structure and has created additional opportunities for research, especially in active soft matter and population behavior of nanoparticles. Due to the interconnected structure of the organic chemistry groups and in particular the groups in chemical biology, the expertise is maintained not only by the two PIs of the group but by a much larger number of staff. This ensures that expertise will not disappear when PhD students graduate and successors are not directly available. Funding for this research is primarily provided by NWO and ERC for artificial cell research and TTW and other public- private collaborations for nanomedicine. As the success rates of most funding schemes have considerably decreased over the past years, the main challenge will be to keep the critical mass of the group in order to be able to perform cutting edge research. TU/e has set up a strong research program on immunoengineering which perfectly aligns with the bio-organic chemistry activities. The intention is to further strengthen the ties between TU/e and RadboudUMC on this topic. Due to our positioning in two departments, we attract talented students with a clear interest in the molecular aspects of medicine. Their multidisciplinary education prepares them well for master’s graduation projects in the group and provides us with a cohort of well-trained junior researchers from which we can select PhD students. References 1. Sui, X.; Kujala, P.; Janssen, G.-J.; de Jong, E.; Zuhorn, I. S.; van Hest, J. C. M. Robust formation of biodegradable polymersomes by direct hydration. Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6, 691-696. 2. van Oppen, L. M. P. E.; Abdelmohsen, L. K. E. A.; van Emst-de Vries, S. E.; Welzen, P. L. W.; Wilson, D. A.; Smeitink, J. A. M.; Koopman, W. J. H.; Brock, R.; Willems, P. H. G. M.; Williams, D. S.; van Hest, J. C. M. Biodegradable Synthetic Organelles Demonstrate ROS Shielding in Human-Complex-I-Deficient Fibroblasts. ACS Central Science 2018, 4, 917-928. 3. Peters, R. J. R. W.; Marguet, M.; Marais, S.; Fraaije, M. W.; van Hest, J. C. M.; Lecommandoux, S. Cascade Reactions in Multicompartmentalized Polymersomes. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2014, 53, 146-150. 4. Mason, A. F.; Buddingh, B. C.; Williams, D. S.; van Hest, J. C. M. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of a Copolymer-Stabilized Coacervate Protocell. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 17309-17312. 5. Altenburg,W.; Yewdall, N.A.; Vervoort, D. F.M.; van Stevendaal,M. H.M.E.; Mason,A. F.; van Hest, J. C.M. Programmed spatial organization of biomacromolecules into discrete, coacervate-based protocells Nature Communications, 2020 11, Article 6282. 6. Che, H.; Buddingh, B. C.; van Hest, J. C. M. Self-Regulated and Temporal Control of a “Breathing” Microgel Mediated by Enzymatic Reaction. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2017, 56, 12581-12585. 7. Che, H.; Cao, S.; van Hest, J. C. M. Feedback-Induced Temporal Control of “Breathing” Polymersomes To Create Self-Adaptive Nanoreactors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 5356-5359. 8. Abdelmohsen, L. K. E. A.; Nijemeisland, M.; Pawar, G. M.; Janssen, G.-J. A.; Nolte, R. J. M.; van Hest, J. C. M.; Wilson, D. A. Dynamic Loading and Unloading of Proteins in Polymeric Stomatocytes: Formation of an Enzyme- Loaded Supramolecular Nanomotor. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2652-2660. 9. Nijemeisland, M.; Abdelmohsen, L.K.E.A.; Huck, W.T.S.; Wilson, D.A.; van Hest, J.C.M. A Compartmentalized Out-of- Equilibrium Enzymatic Reaction Network for Sustained Autonomous Movement. ACS Central Science 2016, 2 (11), 843-849. 10. Song, S.; Mason, A.F.; Post, R.A.J.; De Corato, M.; Mestre, R.; Yewdall, N. A.; Cao, S.; van der Hofstad, R. W.; Sanchez, S.; Abdelmohsen, L. K.E.A.; van Hest, J.C.M.; Engineering transient dynamics of artificial cells by stochastic distribution of enzymes Nature Communications 2021 11, Issue 1, DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-27229-0, #6897. 11. Pille, J.; van Lith, S. A. M.; van Hest, J. C. M.; Leenders, W. P. J. Self-Assembling VHH-Elastin-Like Peptides for Photodynamic Nanomedicine. Biomacromolecules 2017, 18, 1302-1310. 12. Schoonen, L.; Maassen, S.; Nolte, R. J. M.; van Hest, J. C. M. Stabilization of a Virus-Like Particle and Its Application as a Nanoreactor at Physiological Conditions. Biomacromolecules 2017, 18, 3492-3497. 13. Zhu, J.; Xiao, T.; Zhang, J.; Che, H.; Shi, Y.; Shi, X.; van Hest, J.C.M. Surface-Charge-Switchable Nanoclusters for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided and Glutathione Depletion-Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Nano, 2020 14, 11225-11237. 14. Sun, B.; Chang, R.; Cao, S.; Yuan, C.; Zhao, L.; Yang, H.; Li, J.; Yan, X.; van Hest, J.C.M. Acid-Activatable Transmorphic Peptide-Based Nanomaterials for Photodynamic Therapy. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2020 59. 15. Abdelmohsen, L. K. E. A.; Williams, D. S.; Pille, J.; Ozel, S. G.; Rikken, R. S. M.; Wilson, D. A.; van Hest, J. C. M. Formation of Well-Defined, Functional Nanotubes via Osmotically Induced Shape Transformation of Biodegradable Polymersomes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 9353-9356.