RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

46 performed in active collaboration with our research partners at RadboudUMC, Aalto University (Helsinki), Soochow University, Donghua University Shanghai, ICCAS Beijing and NIH Mount Sinai (New York). Prospects Development of the research field The emerging field of artificial cell science is still relatively unexplored and offers many opportunities for further research. It brings scientists together from soft matter, systems chemistry, nanoscience and synthetic biology. Many exciting opportunities are ahead in the near future. The research of the Bio-Organic Chemistry group is well-aligned with these activities. We will specifically focus on the following topics: • Artificial cells with complex biological pathways • Communication between artificial cells and their adaptive behavior • Interactions between artificial cells and living cells • Population behavior of artificial cells. The field of nanomedicine is more mature but is confronted with the important challenge of demonstrating the added value of nanoscopic carrier systems for drug delivery. In the coming period, more systematic studies should be performed after particle efficacy and targeted applications should be developed instead of generic approaches. In this field, we will focus on the following topics: • Nanoparticles in immunoengineering • Ophthalmic drug delivery • Combinations of photodynamic and immunotherapy • Externally activated and directed nanoparticles • Shape effects on carrier performance