RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry (MSMC) 45 Valorization and societal impact The societal relevance of the Bio-Organic Chemistry group is most obvious from our activities in the field of nanomedicine. The development of smart nanocarriers that can improve therapeutic efficacy is of great societal and economic importance. Over the years, together with biomedical and (pre)clinical researchers, we have developed particles for immunological applications (bacterial vaccination and immunotherapy), we have worked towards anticancer agents, especially in the direction of photodynamic therapy, and we have been active in ophthalmic delivery devices. Besides our work on nanocarriers, we have also employed our expertise to the development of biomaterials for hemostasis and tissues adhesion. Our expertise on catalyst encapsulation has also been explored in flow chemistry to compatibilize different catalytic species in a continuous operation process. This contribution is of importance to allowing more efficient processes to be implemented in the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Our activities on artificial cells and organelles are mainly curiosity-driven. However, the basic knowledge gathered will hopefully shed more light on how life evolved. Furthermore, the translation to practical approaches in nanomedicine and smart, responsive materials is always nearby and could also have potential applications in regenerative medicine. We achieve our valorization via the following routes: 1. Public-private collaborations. Industry is involved in many projects, both multinationals and SMEs. We are active in ARC CBBC, a TTW Perspective program (BacVactory with GSK, Zoetis, Pulike and WBVR), FET-Open ONE-FLOW (with MicroInnova), Health Holland Eureka COVID-19 program (with IPA), Horizon 2020 ITN Nanomed (with ChemConnection, Synthon, Polyvation, OZ Biosciences and Enceladus) and a TTW Open program with GATT BV. 2. IP protection and spin-offs. Over the years, we have filed 18 patent applications, of which three were in the reporting period, and four companies have been spun off. The research has led to the successful product development of a biomedical material for hemostatic applications, which is currently being commercialized by GATT BV in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson. 3. Human Capital. 35 PhD students graduated in the reporting period. Their contribution to society is diverse, from pursuing academic careers and working for high-tech companies to teaching at schools of higher vocational education and starting their own companies. Research facilities The Bio-Organic Chemistry group is located in the Helix building of the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. This modern accommodation has a state-of-the-art infrastructure for molecular science activities. Labs are equipped with the latest fume hoods and other tools for synthetic, organic and polymer chemistry and molecular biology activities such as protein engineering, cell culturing and flow cytometry. All characterization methods are available to analyze both molecular structure (NMR, (size exclusion) chromatography, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry) and nanoparticle characteristics (DLS, asymmetric flow field flow fraction (AF4), nanoparticle tracking analysis, (cryo)TEM and SEM). Our involvement with ICMS provides us with access to state-of-the-art high-resolution microscopy techniques to investigate particle uptake in cells. The organic chemistry-oriented groups in both departments have regular meetings and students of different groups share facilities. This leads to a highly interactive research environment and stimulates collaboration between the groups. This is further extended to other departments via the activities within ICMS, allowing a strong base for interdisciplinary research. Preclinical and animal studies are