RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

42 BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Program leader/section leader Prof J.C.M. (Jan) van Hest Scientific staff FTE Full professor Prof J.C.M. (Jan) van Hest ( since 10-2016 ) 0.5 Assistant professor Dr. L.K.E.A. (Loai) Abdelmohsen ( since 06-2017 ) 1.0 Mission Themissionof theBio-OrganicChemistry group is to createbio-inspiredmaterials andprocesses in order to combine the functionality of biological systems with the flexibility and robustness of synthetic structures. Our specific focus is on the development of compartmentalization strategies to construct micro and nano-capsules for applications in nanomedicine and artificial cell research. The area of nanomedicine has shown great promise as an approach to ensure that therapies can be executed with a higher level of accuracy and efficiency. Artificial cell research is a more fundamental line of research which pushes the boundaries of molecular self-assembly to a next level and is directed to the introduction of life-like features in soft matter systems. The knowledge gained from the latter is applied to the field of nanomedicine to create particles with advanced features. The Bio-Organic Chemistry group has expertise in many different synthetic methods, ranging from polymer science to conjugation chemistry and protein engineering. Furthermore, we have access to a wide range of particle analytical techniques to fully characterize the structures created. As of September 2016, our activities have been transferred from Radboud University to Eindhoven University of Technology. The group is positioned in both the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering.