RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

Chemical and Process Technology (CPT) 39 The valorization of our research involves four distinct routes: 1. Direct knowledge transfer to industry, specifically through bilateral or consortia projects, joint publications with industry and frequent lectures for the chemical industry. In the evaluation period, eight patents have been filed which were derived from collaborative work with companies. 2. Knowledge transfer through spin-off companies. Three successful spin-off companies are closely related to the SPE group. Flowid ( offers flow chemistry and spinning disc technology solutions for chemical production platforms. Emultech ( uses microfluidics to produce emulsion formulations for pharmaceutical platforms. Stolicatalysts ( , a University of Warwick spin-off, is a 3D-printed catalyst producer closely related to Prof. Rebrov. H2Site ( , in collaboration with Tecnalia and Engie, is a company producing and selling small-scale membrane reactor systems for hydrogen production. 3. Valorization through people. MSc and PhD graduates typically acquire and exercise their analysis skills regarding processes and use this for optimizing existing processes but also learn to think out of the box by investigating alternatives to existing process, thus preparing them for industrial jobs at an academic level. 4. Valorization through products. Various new equipment and analysis procedures have been developed that are setting a new standard in industry and science, e.g., the use of ASAP equipment for estimating the absorption capacity of low-vapor pressure fluids, high-pressure TGA and 3D-printed electrochemical cells. The group also develops and builds setups for other research groups in Europe and for industry.