RSA CE&C 2015-2021 Group descriptions

Chemical and Process Technology (CPT) 37 the reactor, exploring various intensification and separation strategies, modeling reactor performance and building and testing our reactor designs. 8. High-gravity high-shear multiphase reactors This research line focuses on the development of catalytic and non-catalyticmultiphase reactor systems that use rotation to create high-gravity and high-shear conditions. These conditions lead to excellent interphase mass transfer, intra-phase mixing and fluid-to-wall heat transfer. In particular, applications can be found in (exothermic) fast reactions that are interphase mass transfer-limited, mixing-limited or heat transfer-limited. Additionally, in a high-gravity field, two phases with different density can be contacted countercurrently, which opens up possibilities for separation processes. Distillation (gas-liquid), extraction (liquid-liquid) and crystallization (liquid-solid) thus become feasible. The two main reactor concepts that our research focuses on are the ‘spinning disc reactor’ and the ‘rotating packed bed reactor’. Major accomplishments in the evaluation period Research quality and scientific relevance Our most significant results in the period 2013-2019 are summarized below, covering the main research themes: 1. Inorganic membranes The biggest impact of the work of Professor Gallucci is on the development of stable Pd- based and non-Pd-based membranes for hydrogen separation and processes derived from this. These papers are highly cited, indicating the importance of the research. Additionally, the research allows for the production of carbon-based membranes on a commercial scale, enabling multiple applications but also research into other applications such as plasma processes and electrochemical processes. 2. Structured reactors In the SPE group, structured reactors, e.g., microreactors and foam reactors, are almost always applied to chemistry research and process intensification. Excellent expertise has been developed in the field of the coating of structures and microreactors. In addition, key steps towards a fundamental understanding of these reactors/structures were made through first-principle modeling and experimental validation in relevant reactions. Several highly-cited papers in high-impact factor journals were published in this period. 3. High-gravity high-shear equipment The group is world-leading in research into this technology, e.g., spinning disc reactors. The spin-off company Flowid is commercializing this technology with major applications in fine chemistry and pharma. New ongoing projects have been funded based on this expertise to further develop this technology (rotating packed bed reactors). 4. Alternative energy sources a. Electrochemical processes Major developments have been made into the study of intensified electrolysis, with an initial focus on the chlor-alkali process in which the full electrode assembly has been modeled, including the membrane transport processes with a fully resolved Maxwell- Stefan diffusivity model. Steps have been made to apply the model to water electrolysis. Very recently, a solid stephas beenmade toextend theexpertiseof SPEonelectrochemical engineering to the emerging field of the electrochemical conversion of biomass. A few high-impact publications have established the beginning of this line, which presents great potential for sustainability and enormous room for further research.